How To Qualify For A Business Loan

Qualifying for a business loan is not as easy as it was even one year ago. This is because most lending institutions have increased the requirements for businesses requesting a loan. The recent slowdown in our economy has forced banks to re-examine their lending practices as many businesses are experiencing lower profits. So when you are looking for a loan for your business it is important that you have everything in order sot you will have the best chance to be approved.


One of the first things that you need to look at before going to a lending institution is whether or not you have a good business plan together. Having a business plan drawn up for your company is a great way to show the bank that you have carefully considered your request. This will show the bank where your business is currently and where you hope it will go once you have been approved for a loan. There are many professional writers that work as freelancers that have the expertise in this area that you can hire if you are uncertain about your ability to convey your thoughts on paper.

The next thing to do before you go to a lender is to look at your company’s financials. Clear as many debts as you possibly can. For example, if you use a credit card start paying it off monthly or if you have a vehicle loan with just a few payments left on it you might want to consider paying it off. This will help your income to debt ratio and make your business a more attractive prospect.

Once you have done that, you should look at all the officer’s credit reports. Every officer of the company will have a credit history run on them because they will be personally guaranteeing the loan. So make sure that the person income to debt ratio is good and clean up any bad marks against your credit.

When you have all of that together you are now ready to go to the lending institution. With the situation the way it is currently it would be wise to start with the bank you already have a relationship with. This is especially true if you have a community or local bank. They make their decisions based on the local area unlike the larger national banks. If your company is turned down don’t take it personally but consider your other options.